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Politics Outside US

Politics Outside US Subtopics:
plenary audience at Harm Reduction International Conference (courtesy HRI)
plenary audience at Harm Reduction International Conference (courtesy HRI)

Early-Bird Rates for International Harm Reduction Conference Till January 31!

[This guest blog post about the upcoming international harm reduction conference taking place this April in Bogotá, Colombia, was written by Martina Moreira Da Silva, Conference Assistant at Harm Reduction International. We hope to be there, and hope to see you there too! Note that early bird registration rates are available through January 31st.]

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The opium poppy is an economic mainstay in Afghanistan. Can the Taliban really suppress it? (UNODC)
The opium poppy is an economic mainstay in Afghanistan. Can the Taliban really suppress it? (UNODC)

The Taliban Announces a Ban on Opium. Really? [FEATURE]

On April 3, the Taliban announced a ban on drug cultivation in Afghanistan, for years the world's dominant opium producer, accounting for more than 80 percent of the global supply
ICC headquarters, The Hague, Netherlands
ICC headquarters, The Hague, Netherlands

ICC Prosecutor Announces Request to Authorize Philippines Investigation

Amid increasing warnings from officials of the International Criminal Court about insufficient resources and a need to prioritize, the ICC's Chief Prosecutor on the second-to-last day of her term sought authorization from the court's pretrial chamber to proceed with an investigation into the Philippine drug war killings.