Drugs, Freedom, and Responsibility at Burning Man
Editor's note: This is a repost of the piece I wrote about Burning Man last year. I couldn't top it, so I'm sharing it again. Enjoy.
Editor's note: This is a repost of the piece I wrote about Burning Man last year. I couldn't top it, so I'm sharing it again. Enjoy.
An art auction and cocktail party is being held in Los Angeles to benefit the Drug Policy Alliance. For more information and to register, please see http://www.reformartauction.org/component/option,com_frontpage/Itemid,1/.
An art auction and cocktail party is being held in Los Angeles to benefit the Drug Policy Alliance. For more information and to register, see: http://www.reformartauction.org/component/option,com_frontpage/Itemid,1/
It's fun, it's free, it's convenient, and it features (live, in person) ex-prisoner artist Jahi Foster-Bey. Join us as we unveil our latest prisoner-made art and jewelry for 2010. It's happening this Saturday and Sunday (March 13 and 14) 10 AM to 6 PM at the north entrance of the Dupont Circle Metro in downtown Washington, DC.  Multi-talented artist Jahi Foster-Bey will be on hand to answer your questions about creating art in prison and what it takes to succeed as an artist on outside. You've seen Jahi perform at the Kennedy Center, viewed his commissioned work in Spin magazine, and seen his extraordinary art on display at the Prison Art Gallery. Now meet him in person and purchase a unique ring, bracelet or necklace he created for just $15. Come out and show your support, while walking away with something beautiful.  If you're not going to be in Washington, DC during the weekend, please visit our website by clicking here to view and purchase hundreds of works created by presently or formerly imprisoned artists. Thank you. |
All art on this page created by artists represented by the Safe Streets Arts Foundation, including "Obama" by Jahi Foster-Bey |
"The Safe Streets Arts Foundation, incorporating both the Prisons Foundation and the Victims Foundation, is proud to sponsor the annual From-Prison-to-The-Stage Show at the Kennedy Center and the Prison Art Gallery at 1600 K Street. NW, Suite 501, Washington, DC, three blocks from the White House."
Hello everyone, We have the winners for the 2009 Prison Tattoo Art Contest. Go to our web site and check them out. We received so much astonishing art that it was difficult to choose the winners, but as usual, we have. We have also selected other artists to be displayed in "Prison Ink" the tabletop tattoo art book that will be released sometime in 2010. Watch our web site for changes and other announcements regarding "Prison Ink". If you have not been notified regarding the contest you are not a winner. Winners have already been notified. Artists selected to be in the book will be receiving their notification within the next few weeks. Please do not contact us about your status we will send out all notifications by US mail. We would also like to apologize for our late beginning for the second short story contest. The delay is due to limited funds. We will be holding the contest real soon - our priority is paying the winners of the art contest. Thank you for you patience and understanding in this matter. Remember our stories can change the world,
Theresa M. Huggins CEO, Shot Caller Press, LLC 503-890-1027
Canadian Radio Station Interview about our Upcoming Pano Prison Art Show (Listen to It at Your Leisure) |
Listen to our interview  live on Monday, June 8, 10:30 pm Eastern time on a prominent Vancouver, Canada radio station at www.coopradio.org or, if you miss it, listen to the podcast at www.rabble.ca.  The subject of the radio interview is  our upcoming free art show featuring "Pano" art created in prisons across America. This is a special show called "Pano in American Tradition" at Takoma Park Community Center (Gallery 3), 7500 Maple Ave, Takoma Park, Maryland from June 12 to July 25, 2009. The art is part of the collection of the Safe Streets Arts Foundation, which operates the Prison Art Gallery in Washington DC. The opening reception will take place on June 12 from 6 to 9 pm, and will feature live music by ex-prisoner guitarist Dennis Sobin, who has performed at the Kennedy Center.
"The Safe Streets Arts Foundation, incorporating both the Prisons Foundation and the Victims Foundation, is proud to sponsor the annual From-Prison-to-The-Stage Show at the Kennedy Center and the Prison Art Gallery at 1600 K Street. NW, Suite 501, Washington, DC, three blocks from the White House." |