OH Health Departments Oppose Pot Initiative, Uganda Lawmakers OK MedMJ, More... (8/23/23)

AZ Poll Has MJ Init With Bare Majority, White House Releases Annual Drug Certification List, More... (9/16/20)

House Spending Bills Include MedMJ Protections, DC Psychedelic Initiative Hands in Signatures, More... (7/7/20)

Chronicle AM -- June 26, 2014

Chronicle AM -- June 19, 2014
Ignoring Drug Advisors, Britain Bans Khat
Looming Dutch Khat Ban Draws Criticism, Complaints
Dutch to Ban Khat
What's Next, Criminalizing Coffee?
You Can Make a Difference |
Dear friends, What if you woke up one morning and suddenly your daily cup of coffee was illegal? It probably sounds like a joke, but don't be too sure. Even as the rest of the country is beginning to rethink its drug policies, DC is considering a bill that would take the drug war to an even more ridiculous extreme. Right now, the DC council is considering pouring countless hours and your tax-payer dollars into banning a substance that has effects similar to a cup of coffee. For thousands of years, East African communities have carried on the custom of chewing or making tea with a plant called khat. There is no good reason for the Council to single out this one community by banning a harmless plant that comes from their home country. This ban is a mistake, but today you can do something to stop it: Write to the DC Council today and urge them to stop the prohibition of khat. This ban is up for a discussion on June 30, so your letter now could make all the difference. In just a few minutes, you can help defend our local communities from needless harassment and discrimination. Thank you for joining us in this fight! Sincerely, Naomi Long  |