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Editorial: Poverty and the Drug Laws

While we take on the drug war's many different currents, it's important to remember our moral and intellectual roots. One of those is the role prohibition plays in fueling poverty. Understanding of this will one day dawn, and legalization will be seen as the wiser course.

Editorial: Two Drug War Tragedies, and No Excuse

When the drug fighters intervene forcefully in people's lives, the results can be unpredictable and tragic. But there are better ways to deal with drugs than the drug war. And so there are no excuses either.

Editorial: The Arrogance of Stupidity

I'm not one to say that people who disagree with me about legalization are automatically unreasonable for it. But insult me for my legalization views, and I have a few things to say about the foolish arrogance that represents.

Editorial: Sometimes the Drug War Makes Me Dizzy

Early drug prohibitionists probably didn't have today's drug war in mind when they set world drug policy on the course it still follows today. If they could see it all, it would probably make them dizzy.

Editorial: Why We Are Fighting to End the War on Drugs

We in the drug reform movement have so many good reasons to stand on, that it is hard to know where to begin when telling people about them. When we succeed in ending prohibition, the world will become a better place, in ways that are urgently needed.