
Biden Signs Criminal Justice Reform Executive Order, RI Legislature Approves Marijuana Legalization, More... (5/25/22)

Senate Dems Look for Input on Pot Legalization Bill, DPA Chides Biden Administration on Crack Pipe Kerfluffle, More... (2/11/22)

Rio de Janeiro Drug Raid Massacre, AZ Governor Signs Asset Forfeiture Reform Bill, More... (5/7/21)
Is the Era of the No-Knock Drug Raid Coming to an End? [FEATURE]
Video: Bad Drug Raid Traumatizes Family and Claims Life of Beloved Pet
(visit: http://stopthedrugwar.org/policeraids) Videomaker (and DRCNet member) William Aiken conducted the following interviews with Anita Woodyear and her son. Woodyear's home was invaded by a Schenectady, New York, SWAT team in September 2006. Their dog was shot dead during the raid, and Woodyear has a lawsuit pending against the Schenectady police department, in which she is being assisted by the NAACP. Click on either of the video screens to see more of Aiken's work, excerpted from "The Drug War: Mission Impossible," a DVD exploring some of the unintended consequences created by our drug policy as well as perspectives from law enforcement and activists in the field. Copies can be purchased for $25.00 paid by check or money order to: W. Aiken, P.O. Box 520, Schenectady, NY, 12301. Click here to access our "SWAT/Paramilitarization" online archive.
Amid the Tumult, Congressional Democrats Take on Policing Run Amok [FEATURE]
House Progressives File Resolution Condemning Police Brutality, Racial Bias, War on Drugs [FEATURE]
Two Takes on the Global Drug War and Global Drug Cultures [FEATURE]