Your Turn to Comment on Medical Marijuana in Colorado (Action Alert)

Submitted by dguard on

Do you care about how medical marijuana is distributed?  Here's your chance to comment:

On January 27 and 28 the Colorado Dept. of Revenue is considering adopting wide-ranging rules governing medical marijuana stores and producers.  The proposed rules are available HERE (in highlights).

These rules embody the most comprehensive medical marijuana distribution system in history.  While considering this system, it is crucial that Department officials hear from patients and advocates about the importance of maintaining patient privacy and closely guarding patient health records.

Sensible Colorado and allies will be sending out suggested "talking points" on privacy and other issues soon.  In the meantime, please review the proposed rules and send comments to the Department by Friday Jan. 14 at:  [email protected] or

Colorado Department of Revenue
Medical Marijuana Enforcement Division
Attn: Mia Tsuchimoto - Rulemaking Public Comments
1881 Pierce Street – Room 108
Lakewood, CO 80214

If you would like to attend the Hearing and have an accessibility issue, send an email to: [email protected]

**Start off the New Year by supporting Sensible Colorado's quest to advocate for patients and reform marijuana laws for all adults.  Click HERE to help today!

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