Job Listings: Bay Area Needle Exchange Research, DC Libertarian Party 1/18/02

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Urban Health Study is hiring for a new position coordinating intervention and evaluation for the Secondary Syringe Exchange Peer Intervention Study. The study is housed in San Francisco but located in two field sites in Richmond and West Oakland. Click on this link to read the complete listing, and contact Thomas Riess at [email protected] for further information.

The Libertarian Party national office in Washington, DC, is hiring a Director of Development. This position will be principally responsible for for prospecting, both internal (existing donors) and external (from the movement); donor relationship management and the process of large gift solicitation; coordinating the efforts of board and staff functions to reach key donors with targeted solicitations; maintaining and increasing the database of donors; and overseeing fundraising events.

Bachelors degree required, marketing or business preferred, two-five years experience with proven track record of success, at least two years in free-market think tank or issue-based organization, with direct individual gift solicitation
experience required.

Salary competitive, commensurate with experience, send resumes to: Libertarian Party, Attn: Steve Dasbach, 2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100, Washington, DC 20037, fax: (202) 333-0072, e-mail [email protected].

-- END --
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Articles of a purely educational nature in Drug War Chronicle appear courtesy of the DRCNet Foundation, unless otherwise noted.

Issue #220, 1/18/02 Editorial: Poisonous Fruits | Canadian Hemp Company Files NAFTA Action Against US DEA | HEA Drug Provision Repeal Moves Forward on Second Front | Souder Zinged in Roll Call Piece, Accused of Ducking Debate With HEA Drug Provision Foes | DRCNet Interview: Colorado Sheriff Bill Masters | Andean Update: On Again Off Again Peace Talks in Colombia on Again, Bolivian Army Kills Two in Coca Market Raid | California Senate Kills Ecstasy Bill, Assembly Bill Loses Mandatory Minimum Provision | New Jersey Racial Profiling Case Reaches Conclusion, Police Officials, Politicians Left Untouched | Jailed Swiss Cannabis Activist in Ninth Week of Hunger Strike | Not So Fast on Reform Legislation in Brazil | National Guard Drug War Budgets Cut This Year, Congressional Hawks Plead for More | Job Listings: Bay Area Needle Exchange Research, DC Libertarian Party | Alerts: HEA Drug Provision, Bolivia, DEA Hemp Ban, Ecstasy, Mandatory Minimums, Medical Marijuana | The Reformer's Calendar

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