Errata: Ecstasy Conference, Calendar 2/16/01

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Last week's recap of the San Francisco ecstasy conference ( stated that the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had representation at the conference.

There was a speaker at the conference who presented general information on the FDA's drug approval process, and who was identified in the program as working at the FDA. However, this speaker attended only as a knowledgeable individual on her own time, not as an FDA representative.

Previous versions of the Reformer's Calendar incorrectly listed the April "Gathering of the Tribes" event as being primarily focused on mobilizing grassroots opposition to the drug war. Gathering of the Tribes is actually a conference and festival aimed at supporting the tribal dance movement; it focuses on creating events with positive intention and building the communities that grow from dance collectives. While the drug war impacts dance collectives and is an important topic being discussed at the Gathering, it is one topic among many and is not the event's main focus.

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Issue #173, 2/16/01 Incarceration Fever About to Break? Prison Populations Leveling Off in Some Big States | California's "Three Strikes" Law Continues to Snare Mainly Drug and Nonviolent Offenders | John Ashcroft's Drug War | Oklahoma Meth Mess | One Third of Indigenous Prisoners in Mexico Imprisoned on Drug Charges | New Site Uses Traffic Movie to Raise Awareness, Free Daily DVD or Video Give-Away for Participants | Book Review: The Politics of Medical Marijuana | Errata: Ecstasy Conference, Calendar | The Reformer's Calendar | Editorial: A Postcard from Mexico

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