Drug War Chronicle #490 - June 15, 2007

Phillip S. Smith, Editor - David Borden, Executive Director

Feature: Is Mexico's Drug War "Calderón's Iraq"?

Shortly after taking office late last year, Mexican President Felipe Calderón called on the army to take on the drug traffickers. Six months in, the death toll is mounting on all sides, but the drugs just keep coming.

Weekly: Blogging @ the Speakeasy

"New ONDCP Video Demonstrates Exactly Why Their Ads Don't Work," "Bruce Willis Finally Figures it Out," "ONDCP Staffer Makes Threatening Phone Call to SSDP Office," "Oops, Wrong House. Sorry We Threw Grenades and Kicked You in the Crotch," "Mexico is Bleeding," "Did John Belushi die from cocaine?" and many more...

Good-Bye: One Woman Drug War Victim Dies, Another is About To

We say good-bye this week to two women victims of the drug war, Veronica Flournoy, who went from drug war prisoner to reformer, and Crystal Ferguson, whose arrest for testing positive for cocaine at childbirth led eventually to a victory at the Supreme Court

Web Scan

Drug Truth Network, Ethan Nadelmann speech, Carl Olsen interview, "Plenty of Coca" says WOLA, BBC on Turkey's legal opium industry.
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Source URL: https://www.stopthedrugwar.org/chronicle/490