DC Residents: Before Your Summer Starts

Submitted by dguard on

You Can Make a Difference



Dear DC Friends,

Urge the City Council to pass a resolution now to assert our rights to make our own laws without congressional interference -- including protecting medical marijuana!

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Email the Council.

Should the federal government have the right to say what laws we can pass here in DC?

You and I have been working together to help our city gain control over its own drug policy, and we're making progress!

Still, the District of Columbia can't fully make its own rules when it comes to things like medical marijuana or khat, a plant used as a mild stimulant, similar to coffee, among some of our African communities here.

This doesn't seem like democracy to me. But you can fight for DC sovereignty by urging the City Council to pass a new resolution asserting the District’s right to make its own laws without congressional interference.

If the council passes the resolution now, we can have a stronger impact on the part of the federal budget that concerns our city and our rights, and the budget will be finalized soon.

You can join me in working with partners like the Marijuana Policy Project. Take action today and urge your Council to pass this resolution before the summer recess. You deserve a free and just city, and together, we can build it!

Thanks for all you do.


Naomi Long
Director, DC Metro Project
Drug Policy Alliance Network


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Source URL: https://www.stopthedrugwar.org/trenches/2009/jun/12/dc_residents_your_summer_starts